City Directory

City Hall Offices

Business Hours:
Mon-Thu: 7:00AM - 4:30 PM
Fri: 7:00AM - 11:00AM

Derek Tuttle
City Administrator
[email protected]

Erika Hammitt
Finance Officer
[email protected]

Andrea Geary
Assistant Finance Officer
Cemetary Sexton
[email protected]

Kim Hutcheson
Utility Manager
[email protected]

Trevor Job
Public Works Director
[email protected]

Public Works On-Call #:  605-356-3162

Public Works Employees:
Dan Hutcheson
Troy VanRoekel
Mark Hanson
Eric Haines
Kirk Pyle
Todd Mockler
Jasper Johnson

Craig K. Thompson Law Office
109 W. Kidder St.
Vermillion SD, 57069

City Services

Plot Prices: Each plot in both cemeteries is $500.00 flat fee made payable to the City of Elk Point.

Grave Opening Fees: There is a $300.00 grave opening fee for full caskets and a $100.00 grave opening fee for cremation burials. Additional Weekend fees are $150 for caskets and $75 for cremation (will charge this fee on Fridays when the street department works summer hours).

Deed Filing Fee: $30. Deed will be filed with the register of deeds at the courthouse.

Flower Removal : Per ORDINANCE NO. 208-1, flowers placed in a permanent container (a receptacle or urn that is an integral part of the monument or marker) may remain at the site all year. The Elk Point Cemetery association removes without notice any flowers not in permanent containers fifteen (15) days after Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Labor Day.

For questions, please Contact:
Andrea Geary
Cemetery Sexton
[email protected]

The City Of Elk Point Rubble & Recycle Center Are Open To All City Residents
Rubble Site Hours of operation:

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Under camera surveillance.

Permitted Waste

  • Grass Clippings
  • Tree Branches
  • Leaves
  • Untreated Wood/Scrap Lumber
  • Metal/White Goods
  • Concrete

Recycling Center Hours of operation:

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Under camera surveillance.

– Newspaper
– Cardboard

Rubble Site Address:

33246 476th Ave
Elk Point SD

Recycling Center
208 W. Main St.
Elk Point SD
Access via alleyway

Derek Tuttle

Troy Donnelly
[email protected]

Elk Point -Jefferson
Community/School Library

School Year Hours:
7:45 AM – 7:00 PM Monday – Thursday
7:45 AM – 5:00 PM Friday
9:00 AM – Noon Saturday

Summer Hours:
1:00 PM – 7:00 PM Monday – Thursday
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Friday
9:00 AM – Noon Saturday

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